Modern Slavery Act Statement
Statement of Stem Cell Health Limited (trading as Stem Cell Health) (‘SCH) regarding the Modern Slavery Act 2015
In accordance with the Modern Slavery Act 2015, Stem Cell Health Limited (MGP) is required to produce a statement setting out the steps it takes to ensure there is no modern slavery within its business and its supply chains.
MGP understands the importance of these measures and is committed to helping eradicate all forms of slavery and human trafficking around the world.
Supply Chain
- Organisational structure and supply chains
Our staff are predominantly employed directly by the company and are generally in a category that is not seen to be vulnerable to modern slavery in the UK. As a result, SCHs main focus is to ensure its contractors and suppliers comply with the Modern Slavery Act. To achieve this MGP adopts a zero-tolerance policy towards violations of laws banning forced labour, slavery and human trafficking. By ensuring clauses are inserted into its supplier contracts which require suppliers to comply with laws including the Modern Slavery Act, any supplier found to be in breach of the legislation will permit MGP to terminate its contracts with that supplier and such supplier will be immediately reported to the authorities.
- Due Diligence
In accordance with SCHs robust compliance procedures and its approach to governance, MGP carries out thorough due diligence on suppliers and has developed very clear checks which must be performed before contracting with same. This ensures that MGP only selects suppliers who comply with its high standards and policies.
Our Own Business
- Organisational policies
SCHs Integrity Code details the rules and guidelines by which MGP employees are required to behave. This includes, among other things, strict compliance with the law, especially with respect to international human rights and employment standards. Consequently, any violations of laws banning forced labour, slavery and human trafficking will constitute not only a breach of the law but also the Integrity Code and such violations will be subject to disciplinary procedures which permit the termination of employees found to be involved in such breach.
- Training
During the year MGP delivered company-wide compliance training sessions, which featured guidance regarding whistleblowing. This was designed to encourage employees to look out for violations of the law both internally and externally and empower staff to report such violations with confidence that their reports will be taken seriously and actioned appropriately.
Stem Cell Health Limited. is registered in England, registration number.
©2019 Stem Cell Health Limited. All rights reserved.
This Modern Slavery Statement was approved on 7 September 2018